Sartorial routine and thoughts: from a wearer’s perspective

By Eleni Chasioti

You wake up each morning and put on your soft, warm robe that hangs behind your bedroom door.


Later, you undress and dress yourself to leave the house.


When you’re back home, you, then again, undress and dress yourself and vice versa.


An endless, sensorial interaction between your body, your senses, and the magical clothes that protect and cover it.


Our days are endlessly intertwined with fabrics, textures, garments, and textiles.


They’re all around us, they define who we are, who we think we are, who others think we are; the way we see ourselves and our precious bodies, and the way others see us.


There are, naturally, endless ways of seeing oneself.


You might be kind or moody, creative, or reckless, loving and giving, boring, happy, nervous, or traumatised.

Your mood changes depending on the weather

the people around you

the country you live in

the food you eat

the conversations you have

the clothes you wear.


If you could choose not to wear clothes for one hour or one month or one year, would you still feel like yourself?


We’re defined by cotton, linen, metallic, and polyester threads that have been put together by others to create pieces of fabric – usually by people we’ll never have a chance to see or meet.


How many times have you felt uncomfortable and tried to hide your body inside of your oversized jumper?


How many times have you tried to conceal your feelings by putting your hands deep inside of your pockets?


How many times have you expressed your enthusiasm by wearing the bright coloured t-shirt you’ve owned for years?


How many times have you thought that celebrations need to be reflected in your outfit?


How many new years have you spent wearing the most fabulous clothes in your wardrobe?


How many first dates have you spent wearing clothes that make you feel your most attractive self?


We’re defined by cotton, linen, metallic, and polyester threads that have been put together by others – but it’s so much more than just those threads.


We understand the bigger picture: these threads are vessels.


Powerful vessels that allow us to express our feelings, feel uncomfortable, share enthusiasm, celebrate important events, and enjoy first dates.


Threads that have been made by people like us for people like us.


That may be the reason why we feel so collectively interconnected with what we wear.

It’s because gentle human fingers have touched what is now touching your skin as you read this sentence.


We’re defined by cotton, linen, metallic, polyester threads that have been put together to create marvellous pieces of fabric.


Your clothes today are your armoury, let them unlock their potential, allow them to put you onto this journey of being yourself in your very own clothes.








Embrace this sartorial journey.


A Love Letter to my Red Scarf


Call for Letters: dear purple hoodie