The unlikely hero: socks

Written by: Gi Soo Kim

There’s no better feeling than putting on a pair of socks… especially when they’re fresh out of the dryer. It’s like biting into a fresh baguette, there is truly nothing like it. 

In many moments of my life, I’ve received compliments from seemingly the most unlikely article of clothing: my socks. From a sunny day in Los Angeles, in the brisk Autumn wind of Seoul, to the rainy winters of London, to the melting energy of Spring in Montreal; someone has commented about my socks. My style was once described as “bro-hipster” from Montreal Plateau hipsters. What does that mean? I haven’t had a clue. If I were to describe my typical attire it would be as such: a plain black t-shirt, a pair of fitted black jeans rolled up at the ankles and brown Chelsea boots with my favourite tie-dye socks (which stand out like a hippie in a black-tie event). I often play it safe when it comes to colour but for whatever reason, that rule doesn’t apply when it comes to my socks. 

The socks in question are a pair of tie-dye socks that I purchased at an over-priced boutique in a gentrified part of town - very much in line with the spending habits of Millennials. The name of the brand has faded in my memory but the logo can be described as “Norse Runic.”

“It is no secret that our fashion is a reflection of our inner selves. If I were to apply a psychoanalytic interpretation of my style it would be introverted. That brief space between pants and boots reveals the colourful nature of my socks.”

On a sunny day in the midwestern city of Indianapolis, people took note of my socks. Women complimented me and men respected my bold decision. It was the first time that strangers overtly noticed my socks: “Look at those socks! Honey, you ain’t from around here, aren't ya?” You have to love Midwestern American honesty. 

While walking the streets of Lyon, the corner boys took note of my Liverpool FC hat and Adidas shoes but then took a gander at my tie-dye socks and said “mais, check les chaussettes, gros.” Until today, I am not sure if my socks enhanced my attire or ruined it. Nevertheless, they said the same thing as those Midwestern ladies had said a year prior. It’s funny because even with an ocean and continent apart, the same sentences were uttered.

I’ve travelled in the wrong footwear. They can ensure blisters, sore calves, lower back pain and overworked joints. Your lower body will beg for a full spa treatment. In those events, sometimes a comfortable pair of socks will mitigate the pain. Sure, it won't solve the pain you’re feeling in your joints and legs but it will solve the blistering. Ironically, these tie-dyes have given me blisters. Perhaps the in-soles of my shoes were off but I believe the socks are propagating false messages in my psyche. “Nah man, it's the shoes, it can’t be me! Remember that cute girl who smiled at you because of me?” The son of a bitch is right.  

As a hiker, soccer player, and traveller, I’ve learned that the most vital piece of clothing will forever be your undergarments. Top-quality underwear will save you. The highest quality socks will carry you the extra mile. Once we book our plane tickets, we often consider the weather of the destination and what we will wear upon arrival. We further ask: are we aiming to impress the locals or are we maximising comfort in a foreign environment? My approach has always been to blend in as much as possible. Granted, such endeavour will forever be limited. As an Asian man with a Western fashion sense and tattoos, I am inevitably foreign wherever I go. However, these socks tend to eliminate who I am and grab all the attention. It becomes a great ice breaker and conversation starter. Moreover, it is nice to know that I have been checked out from head to toe. A definite confidence booster. 

My sacred tie-dyes have travelled with me throughout the world. From the beaches of Bali to a West Ham United game in East London. They’re in fact my least favourite socks, but the sentimental connection I have with them is uncanny. They’re just socks! Through my experiences of travel and sports, I have learned that the right pair of socks is the ultimate enabler. The best pair of socks are the ones you do not physically notice. The only felt sensation is the subtle pressure from walking. The right socks paired with the most effective footwear will tap you into the genes of our nomadic ancestors. You can walk forever, perpetually pushing your body to explore. Socks may seem mundane, but they determine how far one can hike or how deep one can explore a city. Above all, to receive compliments from strangers is the unforeseen byproduct of this fashion choice. A pair of socks that perpetuates travel, while being a compliment inducing sounds like a sweet spot. Ain’t that just a lovely feeling?

Nessa Recine

Nessa is a Canadian/Italian curator and gallery manager trained in Fashion Marketing, Art History and Fashion Curation. Nessa shares with Nao the administrative tasks of running the organisation, including fundraising, co-curating and co-producing the event programme.


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